P1Harmony 5th Mini Album 'HARMONY : SET IN'

- True harmony with the title song 'Back Down'

- Button for a better world, 'HARMONY PROTOCOL'


There are many ways to achieve harmony. The beginning of true harmony is to move up one level together for a more perfect world, even if there are conflicts. Through the 5th mini album 'HARMONY: SET IN', P1Harmony takes a step forward in true harmony to become completely one with different values.


The title song of the 5th mini album, 'Back Down', contains the message of unity and progress to overcome together without being afraid to back down anytime, anywhere. It shows P1Harmony's will to strive for complete harmony, such as 'We can overcome it together / Back down, absolutely don't worry'.


P1Harmony, united by mutual trust and friendship. Whether the better world they dream of will eventually unfold before their eyes, only 'HARMONY PROTOCOL', the starting point for perfect harmony, knows the answer.